Women Love Tech: How online shopping has changed the way we buy essentials

Originally published: Women Love Tech, 09 March 2022

There I was at a place many of us find ourselves at many points during the week: Staring into the fridge trying to decide what to make for dinner.

However, I wasn’t struggling to make a decision because I had nothing to work with; I was struggling because I had sooo many options. A wealth of leafy greens, muchos cuts of meat, condiments, and some more condiments.

This filled me with a delicious mix of security and abundance. And a side-helping of smug.

I am typical of the average person who made the switch to online grocery shopping, according to a white paper produced by research company Pureprofile with the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

According to the paper, of those of us who started shopping for essentials online during the last two years, just 36% plan to return to stores once the pandemic is over.

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