From activities
to your feed
Everything you need to know about
earning with Pureprofile.

The words of Pureprofile
We’ve tried to keep Pureprofile simple to make it easy for you to share your opinions and earn rewards. That’s why we’ve put together a quick guide to the main words you’re going to be hearing a lot more of now you’re a Pureprofile member.
The Pureprofile Dictionary

Noun ac·tiv-i-ties (ækˈtɪvəti)
That’s what we call the earning opportunities and other content you receive. A Pureprofile activity can be anything from a survey, a link to a website or a video to watch. Some are paid activities, which you’ll earn rewards for. Others won’t give you immediate rewards but help Pureprofile to get to know you better so it can send more paid opportunities your way.

Noun groups (gro͞ops)
As you answer questions, you’ll be added to different groups (like ‘drinks coffee’ or ‘has an iPhone’). These groups connect you to brands and activities that match your interests. The more groups you’re in, the more earning opportunities you could receive.

The Feed
Noun the fee·d (thē fēd)
See all that content in the middle of the page when you first log in? That’s your feed. It contains a range of profile update questions, offers and earning opportunities. When you want to see what’s new for you, simply scroll through your feed. There’s usually plenty in there to keep you occupied.

Proper Noun pur·e·pro·fil·er (pyo͝orprō′fīl′ər)
That’s you! At Pureprofile, every member is a Pureprofiler.

Noun pro·fil·e (prō′fīl′)
When you first log in to Pureprofile, you’ll see a lot of questions. We call these profile update questions. Each answer you provide adds value to your profile. The more questions you complete to build your profile, the more relevant activities and other cool stuff you’ll receive.

Noun re·demp·tion (rĭ-dĕmp′shən)
Making a redemption means you’re cashing in your rewards. You can get cash paid directly into your bank account or choose from a range of other great perks. We’ll launch even more rewards over the next few months, so stay tuned.